Cut Risk of Life-Threatening Diseases With One Simple Move

It has recently been discovered in a study by the American Cancer Society that sitting uninterrupted for six or more hours can be a health threat for women and increase the odds of dying from heart disease, cancer and diabetes. It didn't matter how active women were at other times of the day.
To decrease these odds, simply get up out of the chair and move your legs at least every half hour. When standing and walking, you use the bigger muscles of the back and legs. This in turn releases an enzyme which prompts muscles to use sugar and fat from the bloodstream. The more active you can be during the day, the more calories you will burn and boost your metabolism.
Here are a few simple ideas for breaks at work and home.
  • Remove the water bottle from the desk or only fill it halfway. Drinking water is always a good idea but take that break and walk to the water cooler or partially fill your water bottle in the break room. Get exercise and fresh water every 30 to 40 minutes.

  • Instead of saving the filing to do at one time, do a little at a time and spread it out so you can stretch those legs.

  • If you need to reach something on a higher shelf, stretch with both arms. Alternatively, if retrieving something from a low level, do a squat.

  • While watching TV, use commercial time to do exercises - stretch or do a few jumping jacks. If you're going to the kitchen for a healthy snack, do lunges to and from the refrigerator or pantry.

  • Take a walk outside for a quick break. If you can't take the time to go outside while at work, walk the perimeter of your office to stimulate the leg muscles.

  • Use the stairs instead of the elevator.

  • Instead of e-mailing or calling your co-worker, walk over to her desk.

  • Instead of rolling your chair to another section of your office or to the filing cabinet behind you, get up and walk. Even a step or two will be more beneficial than sitting in the chair.
Whether sitting at a desk job all day or in front of the TV at home, it is imperative to get up and move around, even for just 30 to 60 seconds. According to the American Cancer Society, this simple act can decrease the risk of developing heart disease, cancer and diabetes in women by as much as 34%. Get up and get moving!
More information on weight loss and fitness advice can be found at Check it out to learn additional tips to bring your weight under control and improve your health. Learn what foods benefit you the most and what resources are available to motivate you in your weight loss endeavors.

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